I can imagine how much time and work went into putting everything in their separate category, but my point is that if you want to furnish your garden now you have to open 100 tabs from your site in every category just to find the perfect Bush.ġ) If you scroll down on ANY Achievement Furnisher page, the old table is under the images. Now it’s a long list of items which you have to open one by one to see, again loading quite slowly. Luxury vendor before had a list with every item from that week neatly put into their own package with big images and so on. Browsing for an item now is opening 60 tabs from your website which do not load too fast… But it’s not just achievements. Now you have to go to Achievements -> Then Dominion -> Then click on a map as if people would know what to expect and see them there. For all Achievement furnishings for the Dominion zones before you would click on Dominion and see them in a descending list with big images and the location.
Everything has a category now, but it is utterly confusing.